A Disgrace


In a recent article on the Luxlycaonis website the author wrote, in reference to our missive O9A: A Moral Dilemma? {1} that

“For a tradition that prides itself on honor and the integrity required to uphold it, it’s disgraceful that anyone claiming association with this tradition can stand idly by…”

But the reality was that all of them did “stand idly by” for over four years – 2018-2022 – and that during that time we were the only ones who publicly contradicted, with reference to primary O9A sources, the perfidy, the mendacity, of the Establishment and its savants {2} – such as those who prosecuted Ethan Melzer – who were not, in the words of the author of that Luxlycaonis website article:

“interested in logic-chopping, fact-based argumentation, or any evidence […] They are interested in one thing: erecting a strawman in the mires of their moral Gethsemane worthy of chopping down.”

Our foundations in developing our non-Longusian Hebdomian Way {3} were: (a) the knowledge that it was a natural part of the Seven Fold Way that those who had journeyed a certain distance would or should develop their own esoteric Way, and (b) that our focus was on the quest, by others and ourselves, for Lapis Philosophicus in accord with the primary sources of ancient hermeticism as embodied in the Greek texts of the Corpus Hermeticum, sources which the translations and commentaries of Myatt have esoterically illuminated. {4}

That is all.


{1} https://sevenoxonians.wordpress.com/2023/02/25/a-moral-dilemma/

{2} Savant is O9A-speak for someone who is supine and/or who appeases or who soothes their master or masters, often by agreeing with them or doing their bidding. The usage is from the Icelandic

{3} Abandoning The O9A,

{4} Corpus Hermeticum: Eight Tractates,


Abandoning The O9A


A useful collection of texts which detail why we abandoned the Order of Nine Angles in favour of developing The Hebdomian Way. Several of the texts deal with Hermeticism in general and the Corpus Hermeticum in particular.

I O9A: Desertam Indefensamque.
II A New Beginning.
   ° The Hebdomadary
   ° The Hermetic Quest And Pathei-Mathos
   ° Philosophical And Hermetic Foundations Of The Hebdomian Way
III Paradox Of The O9A Authority Of Individual Judgment.
IV The Sevenfold Seeking And Noesis Of The Hebdomian Way.
V Julius Evola, The Seven Fold Way, And Hermeticism.
VI A Review of Myatt’s The Divine Pymander.

Abandoning The O9A


A Moral Dilemma?



Is an esoteric philosophy which appears to have no morality, no ethical boundaries, and no one in authority to declaim what is not acceptable, in some way culpable for despicable, dishonourable, deeds which some self-declared adherents do or propagate in its name?

This is the dilemma we faced before deciding to develop our own Hebdomian Way after some years of following an example of that type of authority-less philosophy for while we understood it did have ethical boundaries, which we endeavoured to explain in a fourteen page tract published in October 2021, they were so well hidden by a ‘Labyrinthos Mythologicus’ that only one or two individuals per decade discovered them.

The glib answer in regard to such culpability, used by some stalwarts of that esoteric philosophy, is that no, it is not responsible and cannot be held responsible citing as proof its anarchic nature. To us, this seemed disingenuous and against those ethical boundaries which only a few in over four decades had discovered.

Can something anarchic in nature open to various interpretations and misinterpretations – and thus to the whims of individuals – serve as a means to wisdom? We did not believe so and thus developed our own esotericism. As we wrote:
[The] Hebdomian Way returns to the primary hermetic source since the essence of that Way is changing the individual through pathei-mathos – πάθει μάθος, the personal learning or discovery resulting from practical experiences and challenges – with everything external or internal to this considered as unnecessary, unhelpful, and distractive. {1}
Thus, it is our conclusion that that authority-less esoteric philosophy should be considered as defunct by those who by hermetic or other means seek Lapis Philosophicus; for even though it did preserve some ancient esoteric traditions and developed some new useful ones such as The Star Game {2} its moral defects render it unsuitable as a modern practical guide to Lapis Philosophicus.

The Seven Oxonians
February 2023


{1} Abandoning The O9A, https://sevenoxonians.files.wordpress.com/2023/03/abandoning-the-o9a-v3.pdf

{2} See Noesis And The Star Game and The Noetic Star Game (pp.19-25) of Abandoning The O9A.



Origins Of The Hebdomian Way


This collection of essays explains the origins of and provides details regarding the hermetic Hebdomian Way, developed as it was by a few Initiates who after much debate decided to abandon the Longusian Occult tradition – the Occult philosophy developed by the pseudonymous Anton Long between 1976 and 2012 – they had been following for a number of years and instead develop a modern hermetic way based on the individual quest for Lapis Philosophicus. The debate is recounted in chapter I, Questioning Tradition, with chapter II, Paradox Of Authority In The Longusian Tradition, outlining why that tradition evolved to be detrimental to the individual quest for Lapis Philosophicus. Chapter III, A New Beginning, summarizes why a new way was developed and the origin of the term hebdomian, with the new hermetic way described in detail in chapter IV, The Noesis Of The Hebdomian Way.

Origins Of The Hebdomian Way



The Sevenfold Seeking And Noesis Of The Hebdomian Way


The Sevenfold Seeking And Noesis Of The Hebdomian Way


I. The Sevenfold Seeking.
II. Noesis And The Star Game.
III. The Noetic Star Game.
IV. The Seven Stages.
   The Overcoming.
   The Tasks.


Image Credit:
The Horae (ὧραι)
Attic red-figure vase, c. 500-450 BCE
Antikensammlung, Berlin


Julius Evola, The Seven Fold Way, And The Corpus Hermeticum


Julius Evola, The Seven Fold Way, And The Corpus Hermeticum


* Evola And The Septenary.
* Corpus Hermeticum.
* Hermeticism: A New Insight.
* Conclusion.
* Appendix: A Guide To The Hebdomian Way.
* Footnotes.

Both the Longusian Seven Fold Way and the more recent Hebdomian Way are modern hermetic quests for Lapis Philosophicus. For decades, those associated with the esoteric tradition of the septenary system (ἑβδομάς) which forms an integral part of the Occult philosophy of the Longusian tradition have maintained not only that their septenary system has ancient roots and is far older than the medieval Hebrew Kabbalah used by most other modern Western Occultists, but also that it is in essence a hermetic philosophy. As is the non-Longusian Hebdomian Way.

Such links to ancient hermeticism are particularly obvious when the insights and understanding of Julius Evola as manifest in his La Tradizione Ermetica are considered in the context of those two modern hermetic quests, The Star Game, and Myatt’s translation of and commentary on tractates of the Corpus Hermeticum.
